We enable clients to build Infrastructure for Tomorrow (i4t)—green infrastructure with sustainability, innovation and connectivity at its core. We do this by unlocking finance that brings this vision to fruition. As our clients succeed in building i4t, society shares in that success.
As a multilateral development bank focused on developing Asia, but with members from all over the world, our investments in infrastructure and other productive sectors seek to foster sustainable economic development, create wealth and improve infrastructure connectivity.
We adapt and innovate constantly to deliver customized investment solutions that overcome the challenges our clients face. They count on our resilience to help them meet their objectives even during the most difficult times.
Prosperity and economic development for Asia is our goal. To realize this, we facilitate the i4t that empowers regions and their people with access to physical, digital and social services. This in turn contributes to local, regional and global sustainability.
Good governance is our hallmark and we strive to operate to the highest possible standards in transparency and accountability.
AIIB began operations in 2016 with 57 founding Members (37 regional and 20 nonregional). By the end of 2020, we had 103 approved Members representing approximately 79 percent of the global population and 65 percent of global GDP.
Since 2017, AIIB has received AAA ratings with a stable outlook from the top credit rating agencies— Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch. Industry recognition of our sound financial standing has enabled us to expand our presence in international capital markets by successfully issuing global bonds and has allowed us to broaden funding sources through local currency-denominated bond issuances and private placements.
In 2018, AIIB was granted Permanent Observer status in the deliberations of both the United Nations General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, the two development-focused principal organs of the global body.
AIIB has created an effective environment for its Board of Directors to take a strategic approach to direct and oversee the work of an accountable management. The Bank’s Accountability Framework is an innovative governance model that positions AIIB to embed a culture of accountability throughout the organization. This framework strengthens (i) the Board’s role in holding the President accountable and establishing AIIB’s policies and strategies and (ii) the President’s role in conducting AIIB’s business, including the delegation of projects under set conditions.
This governance model includes an Oversight Mechanism in line with principles of transparency, openness, independence and accountability. This innovative and flexible structure allowed us to act swiftly on the immediate social and economic needs of our Members during the pandemic, including more frequent and virtual meetings to facilitate the review and approval of projects and policies.
Strategies for all major infrastructure sectors and for investing in equity, mobilizing private capital and financing operations in nonregional members have all been approved and being implemented.
Our policies, strategies and thematic priorities are the building blocks of the Corporate Strategy launched in 2020.
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