Climate change dramatically shifts infrastructure needs toward infrastructure that is climate-resilient and that supports emission reduction targets under the Paris Agreement. Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 will also require realizing significant increases in economically, environmentally and socially sustainable investments across multiple sectors.
As a major contributor to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Asia’s sustainable development pathway will be crucial for achieving the Paris Agreement objectives.
Increasing attention and commitment of our members and clients to adapt to and mitigate the impact of climate change and address local environmental problems have reinforced the need for AIIB to focus on this area.
Aside from working with other MDBs to increase our combined climate financing to USD175 billion by 2025, we’re making our own efforts to combat climate change through our investments.
Reflecting our commitment to support the Paris Agreement, AIIB has set an ambitious target of ensuring that 50 percent of overall approved financing by 2025 will be directed toward climate finance. We announced on Oct. 26, 2021 that we would align our operations with the goals of the Paris Agreement by July 1, 2023. Our current estimate is that our cumulative climate finance approvals would be USD50 billion by 2030.

The World Meteorological Organization has confirmed 2024 as the warmest year on record, at about 1.55°C above pre-industrial levels. This latest assessment of the #StateOfClimate finds that the long-term temperature goal of the #ParisAgreement is not yet dead but is in grave danger. As AIIB looks to chart a course for 2025 alongside its peers and other international partners, it is useful to take stock of the progress made.

Infrastructure for Tomorrow sets a clear mission for AIIB by requiring that all investments across infrastructure and other productive sectors should align and add value through one or more of the following four thematic priorities.