AIIB’s Policy on Prohibited Practices establishes a two-tier sanctions system that consists of the Sanctions Officer and the Sanctions Panel.

The Sanctions Officer is responsible for reviewing CEIU investigations for preponderance of evidence and imposing appropriate sanctions against parties that engaged in Prohibited Practices. The decision of the Sanctions Officer may be appealed by a sanctioned party to the Sanctions Panel.

The Sanctions Officer also reviews debarments by major multilateral development banks under the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment Decisions (AMEDD) and approves its inclusion in AIIB’s Debarment List.

Ludger Schuknecht

Ludger Schuknecht

Sanctions Officer

Schuknecht was appointed by the AIIB President as AIIB’s Sanctions Officer in August 2021.

Schuknecht is concurrently an AIIB Vice President and Corporate Secretary who is responsible for AIIB’s relations with its Members, the Board of Governors, the Board of Directors, other aspects of governance including the admission of new Members and the integrity of the Bank’s governance. Before joining AIIB in August 2021, he has held important leadership posts at the national and international levels. Most recently, he was a Visiting Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore. Prior to this role, he was Deputy Secretary-General at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and was previously Chief Economist and Director General of Germany’s Federal Finance Ministry. He has extensive experience working with international financial institutions, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization. He also acted as the Chief Negotiator for Germany in the founding of AIIB, making him one of the architects of AIIB and one of the drafters of its Articles of Agreement. In addition, Schuknecht was Co-chair of the Infrastructure Investment Working Group of the G20. He holds a Vordiplom in Economics from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany; an MA in Economics from George Mason University, USA and a PhD in Economics and a Habilitation in Economics from Universität Konstanz, Germany. Schuknecht is from Germany.

For additional information on Integrity at AIIB, please visit: Frequently Asked Questions on Integrity.