- ROP: Introduction
- AIIB-financed projects (Projects) aim to foster sustainable economic development, create wealth and improve infrastructure connectivity in Asia. These interventions are guided by AIIB’s strategy and policies, including for public information disclosure, procurement, financing and environmental and social dimensions.
- AIIB’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP)1 guides sound environmental and social management in the identification, preparation and implementation of Projects. The ESP provides a mechanism for public consultation and disclosure of information on the environmental and social risks and impacts of Projects and provides for use of Project-level Grievance Redress Mechanisms (Project-level GRMs). Therefore, ordinarily, Project-affected people should have the opportunity to raise any concerns with the Client and AIIB during the preparation and implementation of an AIIB-financed Project.
- The ESP also provides that AIIB will establish a mechanism to receive submissions from Project-affected people who believe they have been or are likely to be adversely affected by AIIB’s failure to implement the ESP. The Project-affected People’s Mechanism (PPM) established by the Policy on the PPM (PPM Policy)2 constitutes this mechanism.
- These Rules of Procedure have been issued pursuant to the Directive on the PPM, and enter into effect on 31 March 2019.3 They explain the functions of the PPM, who can file submissions with the PPM and when they can be filed, what submissions are eligible to be considered by the PPM, and how submissions can be filed. They also explain the review process for each type of submission, the effect of a submission on Project preparation and implementation, the information PPM discloses, issues of confidentiality and retaliation, special considerations when Projects are co-financed, and other details regarding the PPM’s work.
- The Managing Director, CEIU (MD-CEIU) is responsible for issuing, interpreting and, upon consultation with the President, amending these Rules of Procedure.
2 Policy
3 Directive