1. ROP: The PPM and its Functions
    1. The PPM provides an opportunity for an independent and impartial review of submissions from Project-affected people who believe they have been or are likely to be adversely affected by AIIB’s failure to implement the ESP in situations when their concerns cannot be addressed satisfactorily through Project-level GRMs or AIIB Management processes. AIIB’s accountability is enhanced through the following three functions of the PPM:
      1. Handling of Project Processing Queries (Project Processing Queries), the objective of which is to enable Project-affected people to obtain rapid resolution of their concerns over simple matters which arise during AIIB’s environmental and social due diligence of a Project (which includes screening, categorization and assessment of the environmental and social risks and impacts of the Project as set out under relevant ESP provisions) and which do not require dispute resolution; they may include inquiries about the consultation process related to a Project or requests to address any environmental nuisance such as dust, noise or mobility restrictions experienced during Project preparation.
      2. Dispute Resolution function (Dispute Resolution), which seeks to facilitate a dialogue between AIIB, the Project-affected people and/or the Client with a view to agreeing on actions to mitigate known and quantifiable, potential or actual material adverse environmental or social impacts that arise during AIIB’s environmental and social due diligence of a Project or during Project implementation.
      3. Compliance Review function (Compliance Review), which is designed: to investigate allegations by Project-affected people that AIIB has failed to comply with its obligations under the ESP in its environmental and social due diligence of a Project during Project preparation or its oversight of the Project during implementation, thereby causing or being likely to cause material adverse environmental or social impacts on the Project-affected people; and if the allegations are substantiated, to review any action plan proposed by Management to address these impacts.
    2. CEIU is responsible for the proper functioning of the PPM. An overview of the PPM is provided in Attachment 1.

Home How We Work Accountability Project-affected People’s Mechanism ROP: The PPM and its Functions