- ROP: Time Limits for Filing a Submission
- A Project Processing Query may be submitted after the Project Summary Information (PSI) in relation to a Project has been disclosed by AIIB and before the approval of the Financing.
- A Request for Dispute Resolution may be submitted after the PSI in relation to a Project has been disclosed by AIIB and before one of the following dates:
- For Sovereign-backed Financings, the Closing Date. In exceptional circumstances where the Client continues to be bound by environmental and social undertakings beyond the Closing Date, the PPM may consider the request as eligible if it is submitted during the 24 months following the Closing Date.
- For Nonsovereign-backed Financings, the date 24 months following the date of the last disbursement of AIIB’s funds, or, in the case of guarantees, the date 24 months following the date of the last disbursement under the underlying obligation, or, in the case of equity funding, prior to AIIB’s exit from its investment.
- A Request for Compliance Review may be submitted after the approval of the Financing for the Project and before one of the following dates:
- For Sovereign-backed Financings, the Closing Date. In exceptional circumstances where the Client continues to be bound by environmental and social undertakings beyond the Closing Date, the PPM may consider the request as eligible if it is submitted during the 24 months following the Closing Date.
- For Nonsovereign-backed Financings, the date 24 months following the date of the last disbursement of AIIB’s funds, or, in the case of guarantees, the date 24 months following the date of the last disbursement under the underlying obligation, or, in the case of equity funding, prior to AIIB’s exit from its investment.
- The Closing Date of a Sovereign-backed loan is disclosed in the Project Document. The projected disbursement period of a Nonsovereign-backed loan is disclosed in the PSI.
- Figures 1(a) and 1(b) summarize these submission time limits.

Figure 1(b): PPM Submission Processes and Timeframes: Nonsovereign-backed Financings