The objective of this project is to improve road transport connectivity in previously unserved communities by providing all-weather rural roads in 13 districts of the state of Andhra Pradesh.
The project consists of the following components:
Component 1: Construction of new connectivity consisting of (i) Construction of about 2,350 km of bitumen paved roads in the locations with normal soil; (ii) Construction of about 2,450 km of cement concrete paved roads, in the locations with soft soil; and (iii) Construction of bridges and hydraulic structures (culverts and drainage channels), including 18 major bridges, to increase connectivity of the roads during the monsoon season.
Component 2: Technical Assistance consisting of (i) Engagement of a Project Management Consultant firm (PMC) (and individual consultants, as needed) to assist in managing the project, including planning, implementation supervision, monitoring and reporting progress of the project to the counterpart and to the Bank; (ii) Engagement of a consulting firm to conduct Technical Reviews/ Audit of the project, to review all activities of the project implementation, and propose measures / actions leading to possible enhancement of the project implementation and its quality and quantity control; (iii) Engagement of a consulting firm to monitor implementation of Environmental and Social Management Plan and other actions defined during the project preparation; (iv) A pilot project using modern technology, for example, using drones to monitor construction of roads during the project implementation, covering a limited geographical area; (v) Development of a digitized map of A.P’s rural roads network and connection to a geographic information system (GIS) for real-time communication, which will be used to provide real time updates of the works progress during construction and post contract phase; and (vi) Institutional development and capacity building of PRED through trainings, workshops and study tours in overseas locations in the areas of transport planning and management, contract law and contract models, economic analysis and environmental engineering.
The Project has been assigned Category “B,” in accordance with the Bank’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) and Environmental and Social Standards (ESS). The anticipated environmental and social risks and impacts of the Project are limited, temporary in nature and reversible. According to the Bank’s ESP, the Environmental and Social Standard (ESS) 1: Environmental and Social Assessment and Management will be applicable. ESS 2: Involuntary Resettlement will not be applicable as the possibilities of land acquisition or displacement are not envisaged8. ESS 3: Indigenous Peoples will be applicable as the project will be implemented in areas inhabited by Scheduled Tribe populations. The environmental and social impacts of Project construction activities have been assessed, and, an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) has been prepared. Though land acquisition and displacements are not envisaged, a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) has been prepared to address the need for removal of encroachments/ temporary disruptions of informal commercial activities and compensation measures for structures that may be encountered in the right of way. A Tribal Population Planning Framework (TPPF) has been prepared to address special approaches to project planning and management in the areas where the Scheduled Tribes are living. The ESMF has also provided for a project-level Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) involving the community and stakeholders that will be implemented with the support of the Implementation Agency and its performance will be monitored by the Bank. In the ESMF, special attention has been given to impacts on and opportunities for women. ESMF (including the executive summary in Telugu, the local language), TPPF and RPF have been disclosed in PRED’s website and in AIIB’s Project Summary.
Republic of India
Dr. Prasanna V. Salian
Director, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance
Panchayat Raj Engineering Department (PRED)
Shri. B. Balu Naik
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