Our Culture
AIIB launched the AIIB Way in 2021. Underpinned by our values of Lean, Clean and Green, the AIIB Way is about who we want to be as a Bank and as a team. This is aligned with our Corporate Strategy and defines how we serve our clients and how we work with and treat each other. At AIIB, this means we act with integrity and respect. We welcome diversity, and we create an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. This is how we will be an ‘employer of choice’. Our commitment to diversity and equity is reflected in our participation in the EDGE survey where we have been certified as an EDGE ASSESS Organization.
To embed this in our day-to-day work, we defined a set of competencies (five core and three leadership competencies) that apply to all Bank staff. These align with the culture we want to build and how we want to grow as a team and a Bank.
To track our progress toward becoming an employer of choice, we conduct engagement surveys every two years. This gives us insights into our ways of working and how we might further strengthen and accelerate our culture-building journey.
Competency Framework
A critical step forward in our culture-building journey is institutionalizing and embedding the AIIB Way in our day-to-day work environment. To create a common understanding and shared language through a participatory process, we have defined a set of competencies (behaviors) that are important for all Bank staff, regardless of their function or level. These competencies will help us clarify expectations, define future development needs, and do more focused recruitment and development planning. Competencies provide a sound basis for consistent and objective performance standards by creating a shared language about what is needed and expected within AIIB.
Policy on Personal Data Privacy
On Oct. 13, 2021, the Board of Directors approved the Policy on Personal Data Privacy (PPDP). This policy aims at strengthening the regulatory environment by protecting personal data within the Bank. It is fully aligned with the policies of peer IFIs and MDBs which will enable closer collaboration and more streamlined cofinancing with these institutions. It will also help mitigate reputational risks associated with managing personal data, protect immunities and privileges, safeguard IT infrastructure and facilitate international procurement.
The effective date for the PPDP is set to July 1, 2022, because the Bank requires nine months to undertake several necessary steps to operationalize the policy. Specifically, the Bank needs to draft and put in place the requisite resources and systems to implement the directive, and develop and implement methods for ensuring compliance with the policy (e.g., setting up an appeal mechanism for data subjects who believe their rights have been violated), prepare key documents, including procedures for requesting personal data, privacy notices, contracting clauses, data breach response procedure, personal impact assessments and personal information bank and assess the Bank’s IT system functions to maintain personal data with the necessary controls. These implementing measures and mechanisms must be in place by the time the policy takes effect.
Now that the PPDP has been approved by the Board, as a first step, the President will issue a directive with further details on the implementation arrangements and define the key roles and responsibilities in connection with this policy.
Our People
As of Dec. 31, 2021, the Bank had 370 staff members onboard, including 359 professional staff and 11 support staff. There are 141 women professional staff and overall representation remains at 39 percent. AIIB comprises staff from 51 economies, and the percentage of regional nationals is at 69 percent. We are committed to a gender balanced workforce at all levels. In addition to its staff members, the Bank also engages individual consultants and secondees working in different business areas as well as outsourced staff providing general support.
We thrive to attract global talents who are committed to AIIB’s development mission to improve social and economic outcomes in Asia and beyond. To promote our employer brand, in 2021 we hosted virtual recruitment roadshows and participated in many virtual career events targeting talents at various locations worldwide. To improve candidate experience, Artificial Intelligence (AI) screening was introduced in the application process. Our interview panel members are well trained and fully equipped with skills to conduct effective interviews with candidates.
The health, safety and wellbeing of our staff remain the top priorities of concern. In response to the unprecedent challenges due to the pandemic, we enhanced the remote and flexible working and implement support measures for home travel. The support measures alleviated the financial burden on our staff for visiting families internationally or domestically and provide additional flexibility on work and leave arrangements. The regular three-year review on the Policy on Compensation and Benefits was conducted in 2021 and enhancements in benefits are introduced in 2022.
Learning and Development
AIIB enjoyed a remarkable journey in 2021 in terms of learning and development among our staff.
We embraced change and continue to deliver innovative training solutions despite the pandemic. We launched a Learning Development Platform and continued working with digital learning providers to strengthen resilience and continue providing high-quality training.
Throughout 2021, 252 Bank personnel accessed external e-learning courses and logged 392 hours of learning. We also adjusted our learning to virtual delivery starting in 2020 without losing quality or the level of interaction between participants and facilitators. Notwithstanding, face-to-face trainings were organized when situations allowed and staff were and are encouraged to attend to foster a more interactive learning culture, for example, the Operational Training Program and New Staff Induction Program.
The Bank’s internal training offerings, including the technical learning paths, were further developed to support AIIB Corporate Strategy. Thirty-three technical trainings, including training series, were organized for Bank personnel in 2021. While pivoting operational training to a higher level, we also introduced 12 soft skill trainings. Despite the current difficult situation, it was encouraging to see that over 616 hours of Bank-wide trainings were organized and a dozen tailored solutions for intact teams were delivered.
AIIB provides training sponsorship policies which aim to help staff continuously upskill with learning options that may not be internally available. With these policies in place, over 106 personnel and teams benefited from financial training support.
Young Talent Programs
The Bank launched its first Legal Associate Program (LAP) and the Graduate Program in 2021. Both Programs aim to engage talents who wish to develop careers in multilateral organizations and grow with the institution. Our Internship Program continued which serves as a window for graduates who want first-hand experience in multilateral organizations. Our communication and connection with academia have also been strengthened.
Staff Consultative Mechanism
The Staff Consultative Mechanism (SCM) was established after elections between July 21 and Aug 3 where five staff representatives were elected. The SCM conducted an all-staff survey to establish staff priorities. These are grouped under five themes: (i) providing compensation and benefits to attract, nurture and retain talent; (ii) making AIIB a great place to work; (iii) building a working environment where staff are empowered and supported; (iv) build strong multilateral governance and oversight by establishing strong institutional safeguards for staff; and (v) ensure the effectiveness of SCM by putting it on a solid institutional footing.
There was an inaugural discussion between the Board’s Budget and Human Resources Committee (BHRC) and the Staff Consultative Mechanism. In December, the SCM presented to the Board’s BHRC on 2021 Compensation and Benefits Review proposals.
WELL Health-Safety Rating
In 2021, the AIIB Headquarters (HQ) passed the WELL Health Safety Rating (HSR) and obtained a certificate from the International WELL Building Institute. The WELL HSR is a comprehensive, evidence-based, third-party verified rating focusing on operational policies, maintenance protocols, stakeholder engagement and emergency plans to address a post-COVID-19 environment now and into the future. The certificate verifies that the AIIB HQ building is managed under safe and high-quality conditions, even during the epidemic period. It is a significant recognition of AIIB's efforts to ensure the wellness of employees and a safe working environment.
Staff Travel Facilitation
To help staff with their official and home travel, FAS arranged for Bank-wide vaccinations, testing and issuance of vaccine certificates, as well as coordinated over 200 trips related to onboarding, returning to headquarters, and domestic and local overseas. It also helped coordinate with national governments, local authorities, airlines, airports, hospitals, and hotels. The team was on call 24-7 and handled over 100 emergency cases.